Design Thinking for Disruptive Innovation
November 2018
- Introducing Design Methodology from Royal College of Art -
At the RCA, design thinking is taught in the training of designers who go on to lead global brands worldwide as creative directors and CEOs. In contrast to standard, linear approaches that build on tested models, design thinking is creatively structured, analytic and responsive. It draws in diverse disciplines and multiple areas of expertise and exploration, starting with the core premise that anything could be a design opportunity.
These jointly delivered 2-day workshops will utilise expertise and educational approaches from the Royal College of Art to enable participants to understand the purpose of design thinking in promoting innovation. The course will explore real-world applications and strategies for design thinking and will cover five main areas: the search for innovation opportunities; radical idea generation; oversight of convergent and divergent thinking; the power of prototyping and presenting ideas convincingly.
Date and Time:
Workshop 1 Nov 9 (Fri) - Nov 10 (Sat)
Workshop 2 Nov 16 (Fri) - Nov 17 (Sat)
*Please choose one of the two programs. The contents are the same.
Day 1 09:30 - 18:30
Day 2 09:30 - 17:30 + Party
Toranomon-Shimbashi area (Will be announced soon.)
Miles Pennington (DESIGN ACADEMY, The Univ. of Tokyo),
Tim Corvin (DESIGN ACADEMY, Royal College of Art)
English with Japanese translation.
*We will have Inspirational Talk on Day 1 (17:30-18:30).
*Please apply from Application Form. We will contact you soon explaining also how to proceed the payment. The registration will be completed by confirming your payment.
Maximum number of participants:
25 participants per workshop
Participation fee:
172,800 Yen (160,000 Yen + Consumption tax) per 2 days
The payment will be done by bank transfer. (You will receive the detail of the payment after submitting your application.)
Early Bird:
We will apply 15% discount of the fee for those who register early. The Early Bird period will finish Sept 20th. We might finish the period earlier depending on the number of applicants. Thank you for your understanding.
Please read carefully Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before submitting your application.